A long time ago, in a valley far far away, the Pacific Coast Borax Company was born. The year was 1891, and no one could have known that 122 years later, Twenty Mule Team Borax would still be helping people clean all around the house
From August 13 - September 17

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For those who does not know what is Borax here is a little information to it
1 - Make an all-purpose cleaner by mixing 2 tablespoons borax and 2 cups hot water in a spray bottle.
2 - Remove stains from stainless steel or porcelain sinks with this recipe: Make a paste with 1 cup borax and 1/4 cup lemon juice. Using a sponge or cloth, rub the stain with the paste. Rinse with warm water.
3 - Clean your toilet with this solution: Dissolve 1/2 cup of borax with 1 gallon of water. Scrub the toilet with a strong brush, let it sit and flush to rinse. This non-abrasive cleaner can also be used in the bathtub or on counters.
4 - Unclog drains with 1/2 cup of borax followed by 2 cups of boiling water. Let it sit for 15 minutes, then run your water for a few minutes to flush it out.
5 - Deodorize your garbage pail by filling it with borax and water. Let it soak then rinse it out. Sprinkle some borax in the bottom once it's clean. This will keep the bugs away and absorb any odor causing moisture.
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